News & Events

What’s happening on the land

Keep updated with the latest product ideas, farming news and agriculture events. Drop in and see us at a Field Day near you soon!

Modular sheep delivery units prove their value

One of Australia’s largest woolgrowers, Ian Shippen of Banyandah Pastoral Co in the Riverina of...

Stockpro delivers quality stockyard systems

"Our expertise is based on 30 years of first-hand experience in the livestock industry,"
Modular sheep race delivery systems designed to make shearing less backbreaking work are catching on,...
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) is working with six engineering companies, including Stockpro in Condobolin, to...
The Land how the Naradhan Woolshed is back in use....
Stockpro will be having a stand at a range of field days. We will be...
While many people recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the famous Woodstock Music Festival, closer...
Shearing contractors, farm owners and managers are responsible for their own safety – but they...